Some of the important achievements of NAFCUB are:-
During the past 36 years of its existence, NAFCUB has attained recognition as the Spokesman of the Sector.
Conferment of Scheduled Status to Urban Cooperative Banks.
Formation of Standing Advisory Committee by Reserve Bank of India in 1983 as the highest consultative forum.
Constitution of Marathe Committee for liberal Branch License policy 1992-93.
Flexibility in Investments of SLR Funds by Urban Cooperative Banks.
Containment of Madhavpura Bank crises by involvement by working out a scheme and its implementation.
Getting significant relaxation for Urban Cooperative Banks in classification of their Investments in Govt. securities.
Convening RBI to draw Vision Document for Urban Cooperative Banking Sector and to encourage consultative approach for regulation of Urban Cooperative Banks by signing MOU with State Governments.
Acceptance of Vision Document paving their way for differential Prudential Norms for tier I & II Banks.
Formation of TAFCUB in almost all the states and encouraging for voluntary Merger of UCBs to ensure non-descriptive exit of non-viable Banks.
NAFCUB is member of all important Committees constituted by the RBI. A few committees are:
- Formation of Umbrella organization for UCBs.
- Technology Support to UCBs.
- Alternative avenues of raising capital by UCBs.
- College Advisory Committee of College of Agriculture Banking, Pune.
Providing a weekly capsule of developments in the Banking Sector to Urban Banks by publishing a regular weekly newsletter “ Coop Banking “ & Quarterly Journal “ Urban Credit”.
Organizing Seminars and regular training programmes on specialized topics relating to Urban Cooperative banks and Credit Societies.
National launch of Core Banking Solution (CBS) for Urban Cooperative Banks, particularly for smaller bank at Ahmadabad on 25th December, 2010.
Promoting to undertake Research in the field of Urban Cooperative Banking Sector.